Do I need to fill out an application for water service?
Residential property owners are automatically billed for water and sewer, based on consumption. Residential tenants and commercial owners and tenants need to turn in a written application. You can print an application from the Forms and Permits page.
What do I do when I'm going to move?
If you are moving, you must call (630) 736-3810 for a final reading.
Why is my tap water cloudy?
This is caused by air in the water main and has no effect upon the quality of the water. The water is tested on a weekly basis by certified water plant operators and meets all the E.P.A. standards for water quality.
My water meter is leaking. What should I do?
The Village is responsible for the water meter and the couplings on either side of it. If you detect a leak in this area, call the Department at (630) 736-3850. The Village is not responsible for the shut-off valve. That is the homeowner's responsibility. You should call a plumber to have it corrected as soon as possible. A leaking water meter can result in higher water bills.
My water bill seems high. Could there be a leak?
The Village will be happy to check for leaks at your residence at no cost to you. Some common causes of high water bills are leaking faucets, toilets or hoses left dripping in the yard.
How do I get a permit to water my new sod?
Watering permits must be obtained in person at 565 S. Bartlett Road at the Public Works facility. This permit is free of charge.
Who do I contact in case of an emergency?
All main breaks and leaking hydrants should be called into (630) 736-3850 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm and (630) 736-3700 after hours.
I forgot to put my branches out in time on Monday morning. What can I do?
Please call us at 630.736.3850 and let us know your address. If possible, we maybe able to pick them up before your next scheduled pickup week.
Do I need a permit to remove a tree?
In some cases a permit is required to remove a tree on private property. There is no charge for the permit and we will check the tree for you for free. We strongly recommend using only a certified arborist for all tree work. Certified arborists are highly skilled and can diagnose any tree problem. Beware of uncertified people claiming your trees are diseased or in danger of falling. Tree Removal Permit Application
How much does it cost to replace my sanitary sewer service?
The costs can very widely. If you need to replace your sanitary sewer service, we recommend getting several price quotes. Talk to neighbors who have had the work done for recommendations. The Community Development Department can also provide a list of licensed contractors. Please note that a permit is required.
Can I fill my pool using the fire hydrant?
No. We do not allow unmetered access to our hydrants. We also do not allow contractors to fill tankers in neighborhoods. If you see anyone loading a tanker with water, please call us or the police.
Can the Village change the shut off valves by my water meter?
No. The entire water service belongs to the homeowner. This includes the service line, b-box, and valves. However, you can schedule an appointment during regular service hours to turn off the water at no charge by calling (630) 736-3810.
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